Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Don't tolerate crap fuel

Through my journey, I have made an interesting discovery. It began on my first cheat day. I had worked hard to adopt a new way of eating and was already seeing and feeling results. I really didn't want to throw that all away with a cheat day. Well, my body had no reason to fear. It had a defense mechanism.

This post isn't for the squeamish. Ok, with that out of the way, commence grossing people out...

I went into my cheat day with some foods planned out. I wanted fruit, chocolate chip cookies, Greek yogurt, ice cream and donuts. This being my first, I decided to get a lot of cravings out of my system. I had no idea how literally my body would take that.

After about 6 pm, I had already dropped all the weight I had put on during the day due to constant trips to the bathroom. By bed time, I was down a half pound from the morning - and I never weigh less before bed than when I wake up. Ever.

See, my body had taken the great opportunity to flush refined sugar, chemicals, dairy, fructose and white carbs out. When I flooded my system with them, it couldn't handle it, and was all about rapid processing to get that junk out of me. By the end of the day, no cheat item lasted more than 20 minutes in me.

This has largely held true after a few months. I have been lucky to slow the rushes to the bathroom, but it basically all comes out and I make very little reverse progress on cheat days. There have been non-cheat days when I slip up, and it usually doesn't matter to either weight or body fat percentage as my body just rushes it right out.

So, get on a whole, healthy food regime, and your body will become a newbodi - a self-protecting temple that will not tolerate garbage being put into it. It happened so fast, it was like my body has been waiting all my life to be fed the right way, and now that it is, it rejects anything that isn't right.

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