Thursday, April 5, 2012

The mental workout > the physical workout

If there's one thing I've really learned through my own journey, it's that getting your mind really worked out will have a bigger impact than if you disengage it from the journey your body is on. Principle 10 is to read, and I really mean that.  I'm not someone who ever liked to read, and I now have a backlog of 5 books I'm waiting to read, and am half kicking myself for picking the longest to read next since it'll keep me from the other books for so long.

The reading doesn't have to be about exercise, changing your life, etc.  It can be fun and light.  I would just suggest you balance that with something mentally engaging and stimulating that brings inspiration into your life.  For me, these tend to be business books (and usually about the car industry).  Two that really stand out to me that truly inspired me are the Steve Jobs biography  by Walter Isaacson and American Icon about how Ford turned itself around under Alan Mullaly by Bryce Hoffman.  I just finished the latter - such a great book.  It really has me thinking a lot about my own work situation and performance, and how my organization can be better.

And that's the key - I'm thinking about bettering something. That's what is all about, and why you're here in the first place.  It doesn't just have to be to lose weight. Remember, helps people change their minds and lives starting with their bodies.  Notice the word choice, "starting with..." not, "by only addressing..." or, "only engaging..."  That's crucial.

So, some non-body books I'd recommend are those two, plus The Toyota Way by Jeffrey Liker, Car Guys vs Bean Counters and Guts by Bob Lutz, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (author of Seabiscuit - the long one I've just started) - arguably the best and most inspiring book I've ever read, and Why Smart Executives Fail, by one of the best professors I've ever had, Syd Finkelstein.  I have Born to Run in the store, which you absolutely have to read. It's great, inspiring, educational and a fun read.

These are what I've enjoyed. What about your? If you have a book you think could really spark some minds, let me know in the comments.

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