Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Principle 3 - Don't Question It

A lot of the advice I give and coaching I do is to try to get people past questioning things. I see so much energy being spent questioning diet decisions, exercise advice, etc. What people seem to miss is that they are spending huge amounts of energy making excuses and coming up with logistical reasons why something isn't for them, or won't work in their case. That same energy could be used to test it out and use empirical evidence to decide what will and won't work.

This is the approach I used, and it's worked.  Where I was skeptical, I decided I'd try for a few days and see if it was sustainable. If it was, then I'd keep at it a little longer to see if it drove results.  If it did, it stuck.  If not, well, then I lost nothing and gained some knowledge.

This is a part of Principle 3 of the 10 newbodi.es Principles - "Don't question it."  See, if you stop to question things, it will fall apart.  You will waste energy on the negatives (can't, won't, shouldn't, etc) instead of just getting on with it.  This is why I work out first thing in the morning - by the time I'm awake enough to argue with myself, I'm half way done!  I kid, but it's also sort of true.  If I stopped to think about whether I was too tired, or if I really wanted to do it, I'd still be in bed.  I'd also still be 50 lbs heavier and miserable all the time physically, and much of the time emotionally.

Stop making excuses, stop questioning, stop rationalizing your current situation.  Get on with it.  Do better.  Be better.

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