Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Listen to your body, it knows a thing or two

Today was a day of opening my ears to my body.  It started this morning.  Instead of starting my day at 5, I overslept and woke up at 6:40.  I still didn't sleep enough, but it was much better than if I got up at 5.  I still got in my full workout today, so no loss.  I also hit another personal best while running.

When I say 'full workout', I don't quite mean that as I dropped something from my program for the time being.  I'm trying to be smart and safe. Today, I saw my back doctor (a physiatrist, which is basically an orthopedist who doesn't operate), and he figured out why my back is so achy and stiff all the time - especially after laying down even for a few seconds.  He did it in like 10 seconds, too.  He rocks.  He had me face away from him, and lift my shirt.  He said, "Wow, your hips are severely misaligned."  I had put all this work into strengthening my back to get my pain under control, but I was actually reinforcing a problem that I should have stopped to correct.  My right hip sits about 2" higher than my left.  Now I know why the left side of my back hurts all the time!  PT, here I come!

So I dropped the kettle bell swing from my routine (a M/W/F thing) because I will surely be using my back wrong and reinforcing the problem.  I listened to my doctor who was listening to my body.

So, this is my point - don't be foolish or crazy.  If you are exhausted, rest.  If you are hungry, eat (just eat smart, ok?).  If your pelvic alignment is all kaflooey, stop swinging a 53 lb canon ball with a handle.

Speaking of which, it's almost 11, and I'm tired.  I think your body is, too.  It's trying to tell you.  Listen up.

Good night.

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