Thursday, September 13, 2012

Be 'Fit', Not 'Not Healthy'

My wife shared a great book with me about how you can heal your life.  It's titled, oddly enough, You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay.  It's really brilliant.  You might be skeptical of these things, but I promise you, read a bit, and you'll be hooked.  Amazon has a great box set with the book and DVD for under $15.  It's worth it.

So, there is a particularly relevant and powerful piece that ties to what is all about.  Hay talks about how whatever you think about grows.  To explain it better, here's a quote from the book:

What you put your attention on grows and becomes permanent in your life.  Move away from the negative and put your attention on what you really do want to be or have.
 Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, Hay House Inc, Carlsbad, CA, pages 76. 

Fighting the negative is a total waste of time if you really want to make changes in your life. The more you dwell on what you don't want, the more of it you create.
 Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, Hay House Inc, Carlsbad, CA, pages 75. 

She goes into the power of affirmations.  It may sound like flowers and unicorns, but she's right.  This is exactly what I was getting at in two blog posts - 'Frame Your Self to Value Yourself' and 'Visualizing a Carrot & Stick'. Take the positive side of the same equation or question, and it will put you ahead. You will be stronger.

Using Hay's examples and advice, if you're on this health and fitness journey with me, you wouldn't think, "I don't want to be unhealthy anymore."  You would instead think, "I want to be healthy."  Not, "I don't want to be fat."  But, "I want to be thin and fit."  It's so simple.  But it's true, it does make a difference.  The end goal and meaning are the same, but the way you get there is literally night and day.  One inspires while the other punishes, guilts and puts down.

How do you think you're going to succeed?  By feeling bad about yourself, or by feeling inspired and driven?  I'll give you a hint, depression and lack of self-worth don't tend to lead us to be better.  Instead, enlighten.your.body.

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